* Pick up dining room table * Plant raspberry canes * Plant lilac bush * Frame 2 more pictures * Hang pictures (2 down, 2 to go) * Meet pick-up for Freecycle TV * Laundry * Mow lawn before it rains!* Fall over ded
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I feel vaguely competent for yesterday. ^^ Got a dryer delivered, finished putting my TV stand together and got the (old heavy monster CRT) set onto it and the DVD player & GameCube hooked up. Also picked up a couple of new brassieres, and almost finished off the first skein of yarn on my current scarf-in-progress
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Did an IKEA run today to pick up a few more things for the house. I now own pots and pans (well, one pan from that set and one I picked up earlier from Freecycle), a set of 17 different Tupperware-style food containers, a few other miscellaneous items, and one thing I had totally not expected to find there...